In India women are the most neglected and unprotected person who are denied the basic rights of their life like health, education, employment etc. We facilitate the building of an enabling environment for conducting economic activities to earn a sustainable income so that not only she is empowered but live a dignified life. The women are provided with training and handholding support to further strengthen their capacity to earn a livelihood for themselves.
Adhikar’s Livelihood Restoration Programme centered around women in various professions including homemakers belonging to poor and marginalized communities.
A Sustainable Way Out Of Poverty
In May 2018 Adhikar introduced the Chick Rearing income generation project at Thuamul Rampur block of Kalahandi District to improve the social and economic life of the people living below the poverty line. Out of the total population a mere 12.3 percent people are having employment or earning for more than 6 months. Adhikar’s small initiative in introducing poultry production contributes significantly in economic development of the people. Families willing to adapt the business receive one week old chicks at their doorstep.
More than 200 families in 10 villages of Kanigummah and Sindhipadar panchayat were supported to start poultry keeping. Within 2-3 months it gives them a good income. It’s a holistic approach to help poor families to find a sustainable way out of poverty.
Dairy and Organic Farming
Dairy farming has been part of agriculture for thousands of years. The program identified households struggling with sustainable income and provided handholding support to empower them. In 2012 Adhikar with support from International Financial Corporation, New Delhi initiated ‘Community-Based Dairy Farming’ at Kendupali, in Nayagarh district. It ensures livelihood opportunities for around 500 households in the region. The center uses advanced technology to milking cows which boosts production and keeps cows healthy and comfortable.
It also promotes organic farming with the use of compost cow manure. The project further facilitates the local communities to get trained in dairy farming and provide handholding support to create a sustainable economy for poor rural people.
Improving Livelihood of Rural Poor in Odisha
Ranpur block of Nayagarh district is one of the poorest blocks in Odisha. It witnessed mass migration during 1990’s as people left their homes to survive in the face of acute shortage of livelihood opportunities. Adhikar initiated “Samridhi” programme in …. , which means “Prosperity” to address the challenges through farm based livelihood activities. It was implemented in 5 panchayats of Ranpur block with support from Niwano Peace Foundation, Japan and Mercy Corps, USA. The major thrust of the project was to enhance the farming and livestock rearing outputs to garner better margin from their efforts.
The major outputs of the program includes erecting check dams, introduction of modern farming techniques, promotion of cash crops and vegetable farming, creating marketlinkages to further strengthen the farmers.