Adhikar realizes that migration is a market-driven phenomenon. It is critical to creating resources at the rural areas to reduce migration and also work towards reducing the vulnerability of the migrant workers. To create a better opportunity and environment for the migrant workers, Adhikar facilitates safe migration and to integrate them into the mainstream development process, it signed an MoU with Tata Trust, Mumbai to provide community-based support service network for migrant workers both at source and destination to reduce vulnerability. Under project “SAMMAN” Adhikar created a better opportunity for the migrant workers through skill training. In the due course of time, Adhikar launched its internationally acclaimed programme “Money Remittance” to facilitate migrant workers to send their hard-earned money safely to their dependents. In addition to this Adhikar initiated the project “Improving Livelihood of Rural Poor in Odisha” with support from Niwano Peace Foundation, Japan and Mercy Corps, USA. The major thrust of the project was to enhance the farming and livestock rearing outputs to strengthen the livelihood of the rural poor.