Livelihood Restoration Project Report

By April 9, 2019October 15th, 2020Project Completed
Sl. No.Major Programme UndertakenDurationSupported ByComponent
1Promotion of Self Help Group1994-95CENDREIT-Promotion of Self Help Group
-Women Empowerment
2Integrated Slum development1995-98IGSSS, India-Remedial education
-Micro finance & small business development Proramme
-Women empowerment-Anti Liquor movement/Adult education
-Movement for the land right of slum dwellers
3Integrated tribal development programme1995-97Hivos, Netherland-A strong People's organisation
-Agricultural development and kitchen gardening
-PRI- training and strengthening
-Micro finance
-women empowerment through convention
4Integrated livelihood restoration programme for super cyclone affected people2000-2002CARE-Agriculture and Horticulture development
-Renovation of water bodies
-saline embankment
-Provision of nets& boats, Live-stocks for gainful employment
-Provision of nursery & Plantation in public places.
-Building of cyclone shelter & organising disaster preparedness
5Integrated livelihood restoration programme for super cyclone affected people2000-2001Andheri Hilfe,
-Provision of saline resistant seeds & Bio manure
-Renovation of beetle vines.
-Employment for adolescent girls.
6Integrated agriculture development programme2000-01CAPART Ministry of Rural Development-Renovation of canal Irrigation
-Plantation of coconut trees.
-Food for work-roads building & canal renovation
7Livelihood restoration through micro finance1998-2002AID,USA-Promotion of capacity building of SHG and their federations
-Linkage with the banks and Govt.
-Income generation activities
8SAMRIDHIOctober 2009 – September 2010MERCY CORPS SCOTLAND-Establish seed and seedling Bank
-Promote vegetable cultivation and orchards
-Capacity building of farmers on intensive Crop Cultivation
-Strengthen links with food markets
9Improving livelihoods of rural poor in Odisha December-2010 – November 2011MERCY CORPS SCOTLAND-Seed support for enhancing the income through farm based activities
-Enhance the monthly income through nonfarm based activities
-Establish and rehabilitate irrigation schemes and check points
-Farmers groups and cooperatives formation and strengthening
-Purchase and utilizing of farm based implements
10Adhikar Community Based Diary Project June 2012- May 2013International Finance Corporation , New Delhi-Set up a dairy farm to house 50 cattle
-Equip the farmers to manage the farm professionally
-Set up fodder collection and storing systems
-Cultivate fodder for the farm
-Biogas generation, electricity production and zero waste farm management
-Market the milk at high value as “clean milk”.
11Improving livelihoods of rural poor in OdishaJune 2012 to May 2013MERCY CORPS, SCOTLAND-Seed support for enhancing the income through farm based activities
-Enhance the monthly income through nonfarm based activities
-Establish and rehabilitate irrigation schemes and check points - -Farmers groups and cooperatives formation and strengthening
-Purchase and utilizing of farm based implements
12Livelihood Enterprise Development Programme on coir training March 2018 to May 2018NABARD , Bhubaneswar-To provide entrepreneurship development training on COIR
-The provide training to 150 women trainees from minority communities
-To facilitate Bank linkage for their entrepreneurship development