Disaster Response Project Report

By April 9, 2019September 28th, 2020Project Completed
Sl. No.Major Programme UndertakenDurationSupported ByComponent
1Food security programme for super cyclone affected people food for work programme2000-2001I D S,
-Renovation of canal Irrigation
-Plantation of coconut trees.
-Food for work-roads building & canal renovation
2Legal Counselling for the cyclone victims1999-2001Action-aid India,
-Coordinating relief & ex-gratia payment for the cyclone victims with different department of the Govt.
-Organising required documents to facilitate ex-gratia payment for the cyclone victims
-Undertaking awareness programmes on Administrative measures for the cyclone victims.
-Supporting victims to go to High Court for the legal relief.
3Livelihood restoration of disaster victims1999-2002A I D,USA-Support of Agriculture equipment & seed
-Cleaning of sand & Garbage throw free kithchen
-Promotion of Self Help Group
-Awareness buildup for disaster preparedness
4Livelihood promotion on Food Security Program2004-2007Niwano Peace Foundation,
-Demodgaging of land
-Promotion of upland cultivation
-Infrastructure building to support the farmers ( Water Harvesting structure , Peculation Tank, Gully Plugging )
-Capacity Building of the farmers
-Promotion of ermin-culture
-Facilitation for Grain Bank & Seed bank
5Livelihood promotion on Food Security Program 2004-2007Niwano Peace Foundation,
-Demodgaging of land
-Promotion of upland cultivation
-Infrastructure building to support the farmers ( Water Harvesting structure , Peculation Tank, Gully Plugging )
-Capacity Building of the farmers
-Promotion of vermi-culture
-Facilitation for Grain Bank & Seed bank
6Post Phailin Need Assessment Oct. - Nov. 2013MERCY CORPS, Scot Land-To undertake assessment of mostly livelihood damages caused by the flood in Balasore & Mayurbhanj districts
-To assess the unmet needs of the affected population
7Adhikar Flood Response February – June 2014Harmosa Foundation through MERCY CORPS, Scot Land -Material support for shelter restoration
-CFW for agriculture recovery & shelter
8Emergency Food Security Programme April-2014- March-2015USAID through MERCY CORPS, Scot Land-CFW for agriculture recovery
-Development of Community assets through cash for work